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Standard #8 Instructional Strategies:
“The teacher understands and uses a variety of
instructional strategies to encourage learners to
develop deep understanding of content areas and
their connections, and to build skills to apply
knowledge in meaningful ways” (InTASC,2013).


Brief Description of Evidence: 

In the fall semester of 2021, in my Introduction to Scientific Inquiry class, I constructed a detailed PowerPoint on active learning strategies with 2 other students. The purpose of creating this artifact was to allow me as a teacher to develop a deeper understanding on strategies I can use in my future classroom. I was able to research what they are, who they are beneficial to, and how to create an environment in my classroom using active learning strategies. These topics allowed me to build my own personal skills and knowledge to be able to truly encourage my students to dive into learning new subjects.


Analysis of What I Learned:

I consulted with my group about what active learning strategies are and how they've seen them used by teachers. I was able to hear from my peers that in an active learning strategies approach the student is the center of the learning process. Through online research I was able to find out how to create an active learning environment, activities to use in the classroom, and benefits of using this approach. Gaining this knowledge showed me the importance of making the child the center of all learning being done in the classroom.


How This Artifact Demonstrates my Competence on the InTASC Standard: 

In my slideshow over active learning strategies I was able to demonstrate my competence on how I can encourage my learners to develop deep understanding in content areas by making my learners the center of everything I do to allow them to build their knowledge and skill to be able to apply it in meaningful ways outside of the classroom environment. Using Bronfenbrenner’s Ecological Systems theory I was able to connect my slideshow to standard 8. Bronfenbrenner’s theory states that the child should always be the main focus. In active learning strategies it is an important role to ensure that you are allowing your students to be in charge of their own learning (Guy-Evans, 2020). This gave me great insight on how a child's learning will grow their relationship with other outside sources such as their family creating more real world connections.




Council of Chief State School Officers. (2013, April). Interstate Teacher Assessment and Support Consortium InTASC Model Core Teaching Standards and Learning Progressions for Teachers 1.0: A Resource for Ongoing Teacher Development. Washington, DC: Author.


Guy-Evans, O. (2020). Bronfenbrenner’s Ecological Systems Theory | Simply Psychology. Simply Psychology. 

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